As we're now moved on to thinking about breakouts this week, consider the points that Joe addressed in Mission statement (Draft B). Can we use those as the major themes for poster sessions/breakouts? In addition, Sharon noted that the table of contents of Peter Hernon's book, Making A Differerence: Leadership and Academic Libraries (Libraries Unlimited, 2007) has great ideas for breakouts which align with our mission
What are your thoughts? Reminder: Our deadline for breakout topics is tomorrow, Friday, May 1.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Breakout sessions
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
12:09 PM
Labels: breakouts
Monday, April 27, 2009
Keynote choice
I think that a good choice for the the keynote is Peter Hernon. He is actively researching demographics and leadership in librarianship as a faculty member of the Simmons library school, and he could give us the the broad view of the situation--addressing points raised in our revised Mission Statement (see Joe's posting 4/24).
What does everyone think about this? Let's make a decision by end of this week, May 1 on this. To post your comment, click comments (this function now enabled)
I like Hernon, and Wilder as a backup. A lot depends on who is available and what they will or won't charge.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
8:38 AM
Labels: keynote
Friday, April 24, 2009
Mission Statement (draft B)
According to some estimates, academic libraries are undergoing a significant demographic shift that is dramatically changing the make-up of the profession. At the heart of this transformation is the uniquely large proportion of veteran librarians nearing retirement age prompting a closer examination of the attitudes and characteristics of the newer generation of librarians poised to assume leadership. In an effort to contribute to the ongoing dialogue regarding the future of academic library leadership, this conference seeks to address the following questions:
- Are academic libraries really experiencing a so-called “graying of the profession”?
- If so, what are we potentially losing in terms of experience, expertise, and institutional memory?
- What are libraries doing to ensure that these qualities will be passed on to the next generation of library leaders?
- What are the characteristics of so-called “next gen librarians” and how will their entry into the profession impact academic libraries?
- How do we address generational differences within the workplace without fostering unnecessary stereotypes or division?
- How are changes within the profession influenced by or reflective of larger social, political, and cultural transformations?
Since we can't comment, I'll edit to add here that I really like this version of the mission statement, Joe. It hits the highlights for sure and gives some good directions for poster sessions/breakout topics, etc. Thanks for posting this.
Excellent reworking of the mission statement Joe! It is nuanced and doesn't cast aspersions on any generation of librarians. I'd say that we go forward with this as our working mission statement
I agree that this reworking is excellent and we should go with it. I like the lack of labels.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
6:35 AM
Labels: mission statement
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Rachel Singer Gordon
Rachel Singer Gordon is the creator of and consulting editor at Information Today Inc., Books Division. She is the former Head of Computer Services at the Franklin Park Public Library, IL, and currently works as a freelance writer, editor, and presenter. Rachel has written and presented extensively on next generation librarianship and succession planning.
Publications include:
- The NextGen Librarian's Survival Guide. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2006.
- "Next Generation Librarianship." American Libraries (March 2006): 36-8.
- Library Journal's "NextGen" column
Presentations include:
- "The Cross-Generational Workforce," Wisconsin Library Association, Middleton, WI, Wed., Nov. 5, 2008.
- "NextGen Librarianship: Where Do We Go from Here?" Soaring to Excellence Teleconference, College of DuPage, Friday, Feb. 9, 2007.
- "Nextgen Librarians and Succession Planning," Ohio Library Council Annual Conference, Columbus, OH, Thursday, October 6, 2005.
Click here for Rachel's full resume.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
8:37 AM
Labels: bios
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Enabling comments, etc.
Thanks to all for jumping into the blog and making contributions.
Danielle, can the Post Comments be enabled so we can use?
Also, all please note the deadlines for assignments in the notes from our meeting.
Lastly, can we agree to use the reading tag for all articles we find (like Joe has done)
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
11:14 AM
Poster session?
An article on International Librarianship and Leadership. This would make a terrific poster session.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
10:08 AM
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Additional Readings II
Buschman, John. "Talkin' 'bout My (Neoliberal) Generation: Three Theses." Progressive Librarian (Summer 2007): 28-40.
Buschman argues that generationial categorization of librarians and library users is part and parcel of a broader neoliberal ideology that has reshaped the public sphere according to market values. Not sure how convincing he is but he does present an alternative perspective.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
1:45 PM
Labels: readings
Stanley Wilder
Stanley Wilder: Stanley Wilder, associate dean, River Campus Libraries at the University of Rochester, N.Y. At the University of Rochester, Wilder also served as assistant dean, Information Management Services from 1999-02. He holds an MBA from the University of Illinois at Chicago where his emphasis was on MIS and human resources. He earned his master’s in library information sciences from Columbia University. Has published ARL study on age demographics of library workforce: and recent commentator on same subject in Chron of Higher Ed: I found his full resume also, which shows that he's been interested in the topic of staff change/demographics for a while and has presented at conferences on this. It also shows that he takes contrarian positions, and he might be a lively presenter from that perspective.,%20Stanley%20-%20finalist.pdf
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
11:36 AM
Loriene Roy
Link to her ALA presidential page bio...
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
11:10 AM
Peter Hernon
Hernon's bio is on the Simmons website:
posted by Sharon
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
10:57 AM
Menu selections
Here is a link to the catering menu.
I recommend Healthy Breakfast 10.50 pp which I used for the LACUNY Dialogues.
Low Fat Muffins, Sliced Fresh Fruit, Low Fat Granola, Low Fat Natural Yogurt, Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice, Coffee & Tea
I ordered for 60, but it was enough to feed 100, so keep that in mind.
Lunch is up for discussion.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
10:02 AM
Please sign all of your blog posts when you post, just so we can know who is writing what.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
9:47 AM
Read This Article!
Title: Creating the next generation of library leaders
Author(s): Jennifer Arnold, Lisa T. Nickel, Lisa Williams
Journal: New Library World
Year: 2008
Volume: 109
Issue: 9/10
Page: 444 - 456
ISSN: 0307-4803
DOI: 10.1108/03074800810910478
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
9:12 AM
Monday, April 20, 2009
Additional Readings
Here's the article that Jane just recommended on library leadership institute effectiveness:
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
2:19 PM
Labels: readings
Friday, April 17, 2009
Mission Statement (draft)
One of the challenges facing academic libraries now is the retirement of boomer-age librarians in leadership positions. This issue raises various concerns: what exactly is the scope of such retirements--is it a real problem? what are the characteristics of the new generations--Gen X, and others-- of librarians who are moving into leadership positions? how diverse are the incoming leaders. Do the generational lablels ("GenX", "GenY") adequately characterize the incoming academic library leaders? how must the culture of academic libraries change to accomodate the new leaders?
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
11:32 AM
First Meeting Notes 4/16/2009
Good morning! Now that I've (seemingly) fixed the template, I thought I'd post my notes from our meeting yesterday. (I will be oh-so-brief.)
- Misson Statement: We will have a draft of our mission statement on Friday, April 24th (that's week folks). A draft will be posted here, on this mighty blog, and all are asked to comment here as well.
- Keynote Speakers: Each cmte member was asked to research a possible Keynote speaker (choices were: Peter Hernon--Jane, Stanley Wilder--Brian, Jeff Hornell--Danielle, Loriene Roy--Sara, Rachel Gordon--Joseph). When finished, they are to post the bio here as well. Deadline May 1.
- Breakouts and Themes: Deadline for the themes for breakouts is May 1st. Brian to ask Lisa Finder if posters could be published in ULJ
- Online Participation: Sara and Joe to investigate podcasting and/or videocasting the event.
- Facilities & Food: Jane will post the food menu here next week.
- Vendor Support: Jane to email Brian a letter and make up a list of possible choices (Ebsco, Springer, ExLibris, etc).
- Web Site: I will have this completed by August 1st.
- Registration and Fees: $30.00 (roughly).
(Tentative) Schedule of Event:
Date: Friday, October 23, 2009
9:15-10:00am: Coffee, socializing
10:00-11:00am: Keynote
11:00-12:00pm: Panel
12:00-1:15pm: Lunch
1:15-3:00pm: Poster Sessions/Breakouts
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
7:58 AM