Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Stanley Wilder

Stanley Wilder: Stanley Wilder, associate dean, River Campus Libraries at the University of Rochester, N.Y. At the University of Rochester, Wilder also served as assistant dean, Information Management Services from 1999-02. He holds an MBA from the University of Illinois at Chicago where his emphasis was on MIS and human resources. He earned his master’s in library information sciences from Columbia University. Has published ARL study on age demographics of library workforce: http://www.educause.edu/Resources/TheARLYouthMovementReshapingth/162455 and recent commentator on same subject in Chron of Higher Ed: http://chronicle.com/jobs/news/2007/02/2007022001c.htm I found his full resume also, which shows that he's been interested in the topic of staff change/demographics for a while and has presented at conferences on this. It also shows that he takes contrarian positions, and he might be a lively presenter from that perspective.http://www.provost.uncc.edu/Searches/Library/WILDER,%20Stanley%20-%20finalist.pdf



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