Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Final checklist

*Draft: Final program details list

Please review and comment--add your name if there's a blank...

Set up prep (8am-9am): all available

Registration table (9am-10am) Songqian, Sarah

Introduction by Jane to program (9:45am)--acknowledge vendors, Director Wu, intro committee
(10 minutes)

Introduction by Brian? (5 minutes) of Stanley Wilder

Wilder keynote=50 minutes (10:00-10:55), including 10 minutes for questions
Question fielder: Brian?

Unofficial 5 minute break (10:55-11)

2) Panel, 11a.m.
Joe? to introduce Marie Radford (3 minutes: 11:00-11:03)

Marie to introduce panelists, panel (11:03-11:45)
Questions (11:45-noon)

3) Lunch 12-1:15 (including 1:00-1:15 minute presention by Gale, if they sponsor luncheon, with Brian to intro GALE at 12:57)

4) Panel p.m. Joe to introduce panel again? or let Marie introduce
1:15-2:15 (including 15 minutes for questions)

5) Posters (2:15-3:00)

6) Brief wrap up, collect evaluations--Joe? (2:55-3:00pm)

*Add Vendor sponsor logos to website (Jane to provide Danielle)--need to get this done prior to conference, as soon as all vendors have committed (we have at least 3 now)

*Get honoraria cks prepared for speakers and panelists 1 week prior (need to ck with Betsy Tompkins: Brian, others)

*Hotel to be prepaid by Jane? and reimbursed by LACUNY.

*Get food order to caterer at least 2 days prior (Jane)

*Arrange for room set up (Jane)

*Get AV requirement needs from speakers, presenters one wk prior to GC (Brian, Joe); also need mikes in audience area for Q & A

*Get adhesive badges (no plastic for registrants) (Songqian)

*Print out programs and evaluation forms (Songqian)

*Create program evaluation (use same form as last year?Brian might have copy)

*Poster "host" (Joe)--assist with set up questions, etc.

*Vendor "hosts" (Jane, Sharon)--assist with table set up questions, etc.


Sarah said...

I am happy to take on pretty much anything - I see that I am down for the registration table, which is swell. Do we have some procedure for getting things printed for LACUNY? I can help out with the end-of-day evaluations and everything as well.

LACUNY Institute 2009 said...

Thanks! If we have a lot to print, we can bring order to Kinkos or whomeever and charge to LACUNY. We did that for the 2007 conference


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