I have already purchased a package of adhesive labels. They are 3 1/3" x 4" white shipping labels, and hope this size will be OK with you. I can handle the badge printing. Sarah: thank you for your willingness to help. Your help at the registration table will be great and appreciated! I think we can simply use the program evaluation form from last year. If you all agree, I can help on making the copies. I can help on other things at the conference after the registration. Please let me know. Songqian
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Final checklist
*Draft: Final program details list
Please review and comment--add your name if there's a blank...
Set up prep (8am-9am): all available
Registration table (9am-10am) Songqian, Sarah
Introduction by Jane to program (9:45am)--acknowledge vendors, Director Wu, intro committee
(10 minutes)
Introduction by Brian? (5 minutes) of Stanley Wilder
Wilder keynote=50 minutes (10:00-10:55), including 10 minutes for questions
Question fielder: Brian?
Unofficial 5 minute break (10:55-11)
2) Panel, 11a.m.
Joe? to introduce Marie Radford (3 minutes: 11:00-11:03)
Marie to introduce panelists, panel (11:03-11:45)
Questions (11:45-noon)
3) Lunch 12-1:15 (including 1:00-1:15 minute presention by Gale, if they sponsor luncheon, with Brian to intro GALE at 12:57)
4) Panel p.m. Joe to introduce panel again? or let Marie introduce
1:15-2:15 (including 15 minutes for questions)
5) Posters (2:15-3:00)
6) Brief wrap up, collect evaluations--Joe? (2:55-3:00pm)
*Add Vendor sponsor logos to website (Jane to provide Danielle)--need to get this done prior to conference, as soon as all vendors have committed (we have at least 3 now)
*Get honoraria cks prepared for speakers and panelists 1 week prior (need to ck with Betsy Tompkins: Brian, others)
*Hotel to be prepaid by Jane? and reimbursed by LACUNY.
*Get food order to caterer at least 2 days prior (Jane)
*Arrange for room set up (Jane)
*Get AV requirement needs from speakers, presenters one wk prior to GC (Brian, Joe); also need mikes in audience area for Q & A
*Get adhesive badges (no plastic for registrants) (Songqian)
*Print out programs and evaluation forms (Songqian)
*Create program evaluation (use same form as last year?Brian might have copy)
*Poster "host" (Joe)--assist with set up questions, etc.
*Vendor "hosts" (Jane, Sharon)--assist with table set up questions, etc.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
11:05 AM
Labels: progam planning, program
Monday, September 14, 2009
Next steps
Registrations for the conference are now coming in! Thanks to Songqian and Junior Tidal for working on the reg. link!
As we prepare, here's task list update--please respond to items with your name!
1) Poster finalists--we've got 3 finalists. thanks Joe for work on this!
2) Vendor support--any word yet, Jane or Sharon?
3) We aren't doing the webcast--Joe, myself, Jane and I decided that it wasn't worth the time and effort given a variety of factors.
3) Songqian is now getting questions from registrants and will be forwarding them to BL, JF, and JD for advice on answering these. thanks Songqian for the work on the registrations!
4) Regarding registration/handout materials--I recommended that we keep this conference green as possible--no folders, no bags, no notepads, no plastic badges (just paper adhesive badges) maybe just a handout with program info, plus evaluation form. All, what are your thoughts?
7) Please promote the event! Send out the registration announcement....we've taken care of ACRLNY, CULIBS, METRO-L, SUNYLA, Joe, can you send to the Palmer School, LIU, Rutgers, etc.--the same list servs you did before?
8) Danielle will be doing final revision to the website. Joe has gathered all revisions and has sent them to her.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
7:53 AM
Labels: progam planning, publicity, vendors
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Finalizing Website
As we agreed, we'll all divide up the website and be responsible for finalizing content
for Danielle. Please send her your updates by week of Aug.24.
Here's our task list:
Site homepage: Joe
Keynote Speakers: Brian
Program: Joe
Media: Sarah
Registration: Sonqian
Conference Committee: Brian
Links: Brian/Joe
Sponsors: Jane/Sharon (you both decide which...)
Directions: Jane
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
11:29 AM
Labels: website
Revised mission statement
Conference Mission (final to be posted on website)
Libraries are undergoing a significant demographic shift that is dramatically changing the profession. At the heart of this transformation is the large proportion of veteran librarians nearing retirement age and the potential impact of the perceived "graying of the profession." This development has also prompted a closer examination of the new generation of librarians poised to assume leadership. To contribute to the dialogue regarding the future of academic library leadership, this conference will address the following questions:
--Are academic libraries really experiencing a so-called "graying of the profession"? If so, what are we potentially losing in terms of experience, expertise, and institutional memory?
--What are libraries doing to ensure these qualities will be passed on to the next generation of library leaders?
--What are the characteristics of so-called "next gen librarians" and how will their entry into the profession impact academic libraries?
--How do we address generational differences within the workplace without fostering unnecessary stereotypes or division?
--How are changes within the profession influenced by or reflective of larger social, political, and cultural transformations?
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
11:22 AM
Labels: mission statement
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Update: Afternooon panel?, etc.
We've gotten excellent applicants for the panel which Joe, Jane and I have screened.
Given this, and since we've only gotten 2 viable posters so far (though deadline is extended to Sept.14), we are thinking of having a 2nd panel in the p.m. We might be contacting all via email for further input on this.
Danielle is now working on the website, so please give her speaker bios, etc. that should go into that. I realize we don't have all the vendors lined up yet, so their listings will have be added later, and also if we do have the p.m. panel, we'll need to include that in the website. The website will be up and ready early September, and we're proposing an opening registration date for Sept. 8, after Labor Day.
Songqi is currently on vacation thru end of August, but she has worked with Steven Ovadia to get a Paypal registration link.
Please check the last published "Assignments List" (6/19/09) on this blog and notify all if changes needed for deadlines, etc.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
9:30 AM
Labels: panelists, progam planning, website
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Registration Form Revised
Dear All,
Thank you very much for your testing and suggestions. I have revised the form accordingly (added "No" in two fields and a "Notes" field).
Please see/test the form again from the following the following link:
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
8:09 AM
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Draft Registration Form
Dear Sarah, Brian, and All,
I have created a draft LACUNY Institute 2009 Registration Form using the Google forms function in Google Docs.Please take a look and test it to see if it's OK with you.
Basically, the form can take the registration, and record the responses into a spreadsheet. But we still need to link it into the PayPal page.
I am not sure if you are familiar with the Google forms. Here is the instruction of how to access the "LACUNY Institute 2009 Registration":
1. Login to our "lacunyinst2009@gamil.com" account
2. Open the spreadsheet of "LACUNY Institute 2009 Registration"
3. Click on the "Form" from the toolbar within the spreadsheet, and the form will be displayed
4. Test the form by filling it out
5. Select "spreadsheet" from "See responses" to see the responses
More to do with the form:
1. This form can be embeded into a web site or a blog, but has to link to PayPal on our registration page
2. We need to customize the "Thanks" message after people submitting the form (the default message is not suitable). I am thinking also add the link to PayPal page from here. I found the instructions on how to change the “Thanks” message after submitting the form from the following web site:
Sarah: I am not sure if this will work with the page you are creating or you have a better way to do registration. Please let me know. If you are going to use it please make any changes you want.
For my address to sending the check to, please use the one from last LACUNY Institute (on the web site).
Thank you.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
1:01 PM
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Interesting information on a new METRO page
METRO has a new link, netvibe. Here is a link to a recent discussion in NJ about the future and graying of librarians/librarianship. Perhaps some people we could contact about poster sessions?
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
7:48 AM
Labels: future of librarianship, panelists, poster
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Vendor letter
Here is an edited version of the letter to vendors. We need to decide if the amount of money we are requesting is enough, too much, not enough. I took out the ranges, because they made no sense. Also, can anyone think of more or better incentives?
Here is the edited document
Working together to raise the quality of services and information offerings at the libraries of the City University of New York (CUNY), our members appreciate learning about products and services that would benefit academic libraries and the users we serve. What better way to present your offerings at a professional organization conference than at the our annual conference series known as the annual LACUNY Institute held in New York City?
We would like to invite you to be a sponsor for our 2009 annual conference Library Leadership the Next Generation will be held on Friday, October 23, 2009 at the CUNY Graduate Center.
Because of the timeliness of the topic, and the midtown Manhattan location, we expect high interest and attendance. In recent years, the LACUNY Institute has featured topics of interest not only to CUNY librarians and information professionals, but also academic librarians and information professionals from the tri-state area and other northeastern states.
Your sponsorship would be a unique opportunity to develop a relationship with CUNY libraries, as well as appeal to other new clients that would certainly benefit from your products and services.
In order to have the most wide-ranging impact to potential customers, we are seeking sponsorship on the following levels:
Silver Sponsor: $500
• Strategic placement of product information near registration table
• Sponsor recognition at the LACUNY Conference Web page
Gold Sponsor: $1000
• Sponsor recognition at the LACUNY Conference Web page and links to your web site.
• A table at the conference to demonstrate products and services
• Introduction and Attendance at the luncheon
Platinum Sponsor: $1500
• Sponsor recognition at the LACUNY Conference Web page and links to your web site
• A table at the conference to demonstrate products and services
• Introduction and attendance at the luncheon for as many as three representatives
• Conference Mailing List of Attendees
• ???????
Since 1956, the LACUNY Institute has a proven track record as a professional development seminar. Drawing librarians from all over the tri-state area and northeast states, it has been praised by participants for covering timely topics in library and information science and affording excellent networking possibilities.
I welcome a chance to speak with you to discuss these sponsorship opportunities. Please feel free to contact me directly at
Thank you,
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
6:56 AM
Friday, June 26, 2009
If anyone is going to ALA, or knows someone who is, please check out this poster session. May get some participants or ideas.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
7:01 AM
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Upcoming Book on Gen X Librarians
Gen-X Perspectives on Librarianship (working title)
A call for submissions just went out for an upcoming book on Gen-X librarians. The stated objective of the book is: "to view, critique and analyze what makes Gen-X librarians unique among other generations of librarians, what is unique or different about the professional situation of Gen-X librarians, what have Gen-X librarians contributed to the field, and what have they changed about the profession."
Sound familiar?
I know we decided to recruit panelists locally but is there any interest in possibly approaching the editors of this volume to see if they might be interested in some form of participation? It would likely cost us (especially since they're not local) but the similarities between their project and ours just seemed to great to ignore.
~ Joe
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
12:29 PM
Friday, June 19, 2009
List servs for publicity
Please add list servs you'll send publicity to, plus your name:
ACRLNY (Brian)
ACRL NJ (Brian)
Simmons (Jane)
Here are some other lists that might be useful. Some require membership in order to post, so if anyone is a member ...
SUNYLA-L: sunyla-l@ls.suny.edu (Jane)
METRO-L: subscriber access only (Brian)
NYLINE: listserv@listserv.nysed.gov
Rutgers SCILS: scils_announce@email.rutgers.edu (Joe)
Pratt SILS: sils-announce@list.pratt.edu (Joe)
Queens College GSLIS: glisann@qc.edu (Joe)
Palmer School: cwp-kiosk@lists.liu.edu (Joe)
NexGen Librarians: nexgenlib@googlegroups.com (Joe)
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
10:43 AM
Labels: publicity
Assignments list
Thanks all for attending today!
Here's the to do list w/deadlines, etc. Pls. edit this post if additions, corrections need
- List servs for publicizing call for panel, etc. to be added to blog (see above)--add initials to ones you've contacted (ALL)
- Call for panel to be revised--open to all CUNY and non-CUNY, add Marie Radford as moderator (not keynoter) (Joe). Send out call to list servs asap (ALL)
- Questions for panel to be generated from panelist submissions (after July 15). All to view panel submissions via Google document (Joe to send document to All)
- Hotel for keynote presenter: Hilton Garden Inn, Hotel 31 (Jane to ck)
- Payment for hotel (Brian to ck on this with LACUNY treasurer)
- Post institute get together near GC--invite panelists, speakers, Shanghai librarian(s) (Jane to ask Curtis Kendrick if CUNY Central can pay for this)
- Vendor letter--3-4 levels: $500, 1000, 1500, 2000 (highest one for logo on webcast) (Jane and Sharon to work on this by end of July)
- Equipment for USTREAM, $1400 (Joe has spec list; Jane to ask LACUNY board for funding)
- USTREAM moderator will be Sarah. Need release from Stanley Wilder and other presenters for webcast (Brian to ask Stanley Wilder and Marie Radford; Jane to check with GC on release form)
- Registration: Use lacunyinst2009@gmail.com for Paypal contact. Reg. fees: $35 for LACUNY members; $40 for non-LACUNY; $40 for onsite registration. Reg to open on Sept.1 closes Oct.9. Need registration intake info form (surveymonkey link that'll open up after completing Paypal)--need to check with Steve Ovadia about this. Also to include check box for vegetarian lunch preference: "Check here for vegetarian option" (Songqian, deadline end of July)
- Food selection will be done at least 2 days before conference. Choice: $14.50 sandwhich variety option plus Healthy breakfast option with fruit for morning (Jane to contact Food services when finalized)
- Room set up: 16 tables (8 people per). Maximum attendance: 128--plan for 100 attendees (Jane to contact GC conf.services)
- Keynote, moderator bio (brief, 150 word) and picture needed (Brian to get)
- Email final content (Word docs) for website to Danielle by Aug.13 (ALL).
- We'll use the Blog for main communications. (ALL).
- Use email for reminders to ck blog for updates (or set up RSS feeds) (ALL)
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
10:18 AM
Labels: progam planning
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Meeting final agenda, June 19, 10-noon. Grad Center
1. Panel program: criteria for selecting applications; panel questions; selection subcommittee? (30minutes)
4. Webcasting: USTREAM details--equipment, moderator needed (20 minutes)
6. Website (30 minutes)
NOTE: Room change! We'll meet in Room 196.05 on the concourse level of the library: http://library.gc.cuny.edu/info/documents/floor_plan_concourse.pdf
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
12:46 PM
Labels: panelists, ustream, vendors, webcasting, website
Monday, June 15, 2009
Keynote format/panelist final decisions, meeting this Friday at GC 10-12am
Based on all feedback, here's final draft for panel--let's discuss these points at our F2F meeting this Friday, June 19, at Graduate Center, 10-noon. Meeting place: 18th century room in the Grad Center library. Thanks to all who confirmed interest in attending this!
Panel topic: a general discussion about what is unique or significant about so-called "next generation" librarians and where do people see them leading academic libraries in the 21st century.
Moderator: possibly Marie Radford (Brian to contact her if she's interested, etc.). She recently presented at METRO on intergenerational librarian collaboration. Brian to contact her week of June 15.
Paneslists: 3-4 from CUNY libraries, to be solicited via CULIBS--selection to be based on submission of brief statement (we need to craft this, etc.) (Joe, can you draft application instructions and selection criteria?) do we want 2 "boomers" and 2 genexers representing different viewpoints on the "generational" issue??
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
3:37 PM
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Update: keynote, call for posters, save the date, panel, USTREA, vendors
1) Keynote: We're pleased to announce that Stanley Wilder is our keynote, and he's very enthused by our topic and has lots to offer on the subject. It wasn't possible to have the other candidate speak. More to follow.
2) Panel: Please see discussion below about panel. I like Joe's suggestion that it not be a reaction to the speaker, but address this issue: "a general discussion about what is unique or significant about so-called "next generation" librarians and where do people see them leading academic libraries in the 21st century". Need your " feedback on panelists....if this is our topic, then Marie Radford/Rutgers, Valeda Dent/AUL Rutgers could be excellent. Other names?
All: Let's decide on possible speaker choices by next Monday, June 15. post your comments in discussion item below.
Option: We can have F2F meeting on June 19, 10-noon at Grad Center to go over the panel. Anyone want to do this or can we just meet via this blog??
3) Announcement: Here's text that we can send out for Save the date announcements. I'll send this to ACRLNY and LACUNY by Friday, June 12 if there are no further comments. All: please review by Thurs. June 11 and think of other list servs to post this to after final o.k.
LACUNY Institute 2009 “Library Leadership: The Next Generation.”
When and Where? October 23, 2009 at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City.
According to recent estimates, academic libraries are undergoing a significant demographic shift that is dramatically changing the make-up of the profession. At the heart of this transformation is the uniquely large proportion of veteran librarians nearing retirement age and the potential impact of the perceived “graying of the profession.” In addition to raising concern about a possible “brain drain,” this development has also prompted a closer examination of the attitudes and characteristics of the newer generation of librarians poised to assume leadership. This conference will be addressing these issues.
Our web content files can be sent to Steve Ovadia/Junior Tidal for posting.
(Danielle, could you do this when we have content--see below).
5) Conference website:
For the site, we'll need to have the call for posters there, plus preliminary program. (Joe, can you work on this with Danielle)?
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
7:04 AM
Labels: keynote, panelists, poster, publicity, ustream, webcasting, wilder
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Update: Panel & keynote, next steps
We need to decide on whether the panel is simply a group reacting to the keynote presentation OR or whether the panel is presenting on a specific topic entirely. Let's decide on this by June 9, Tues.
Keynote: we're still awaiting confirm from Peter Hernon if he's available or interested.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
11:04 AM
Friday, May 8, 2009
Keynote invited, and next steps: panelists and poster session invites
We've invited Peter Hernon to be keynote and panelist moderator (thanks Joe for sending the letter!)--now awaiting confirmation....
Next steps:
*Who will are panelists be? Here's idea: 3 people=1 library administrator (or someone in leadership position), 1="boomer", 3="genexer". Should we get speakers from CUNY, tap our own community rather than importing talent from elsewhere? What are your thoughts? let's decide by end of next week May 15.
*Now that we have breakout topics (thanks Joe for drafting the initial, and for all commentators!)--see posting below--we'll need to craft a poster proposal.
Here is an example from ACRLNY--I'd say we follow this example:
Questions remain: How many posters do we accept--5? (Jane, how much room do you think our room can accomodate?) What should our deadline for submissions be? How about mid September, followed by 2 week period of review and then notification by end of September (this would give presenters 1 month to prepare). What are your thoughts? let's decide by end of next week May 15.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I've done a little homework on webcasting and if we decide to go this route I think the best option available is USTREAM. USTREAM is a web-based, interactive broadcast platform that allows you stream live audio and video from your PC. It has everything we need, it's fairly easy to set up, and it's free.
- Free web hosting - will broadcast and archive our event for free
- Interactivity - viewers can interact via web chat or Twitter
- Customization - can customize the look of our USTREAM page
- Portability - can embed the live video and chat module right on our own website
- Audience control - we can create a login to limit the audience to registered attendees (however, since we're not broadcasting the entire conference I think it should be open to all)
- Audience-building - includes audience-building tools to help promote our event on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc.
- Statistics - records the number of views/attendees
While broadcasting is free, we'll still need to figure out how to get the necessary A/V equipment. (Can the Grad Center supply it?) Depending on cost and the availability of funds, LACUNY might agree to front the money.
Equipment Needed:
- Laptop PC ~$600-$800
- Wireless Mic ~$100-$125 (we may be able to skip this if there is a way to capture the audio output from the speaker system)
- Digital Camcorder (w/ firewire) ~$500-$700
- Tripod ~$50-$60
And of course we'll need a high speed Internet connection and someone (maybe two) to run the show (i.e., set up, work the camera, moderate the chat, etc.).
I've taken the liberty of setting up a USTREAM account for testing. Our page is located at: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/Library-Leadership-The-Next-Generation
If there's an interest, I can run a test broadcast from CSI so we can get a better sense of how this all works.
~ Joe
Adding on....
Adding to this post, because what I have is too long for a comment....
First, thanks Joe for investigating the options. I just chatted with my brother, Scott, who is an Instructional Technology Specialist in a Texas school district, about Ustream.
A little background before the chat transcript - his school district was one of the first to report cases of swine flu these past weeks, and they closed for a while. During the closure, he worked with the Superintendent to keep the community updated via Twitter, podcasts, and webcasts. He used Ustream for the webcasting, and here is what he had to say about it:
Scott: we used it last week to stream our press briefings
me: AHA! So, what did you think?
Scott: it was pretty successful except that the browser crashed when I hooked up a DV cam to the mac - I wanted to be able to pan/zoom and have a little better video since the web camera we were using had webcammy video. We used the dv cam successfully on Thursday, then Friday it crashed and burned
me: Good to know...
Scott: I'm still talking to ustream support and a couple of other people to find out how to get it to play nice with a dv cam and a mac. I'm watching a presentation right now that's being streamed off a macbook pro with a DV cam and it's working great but overall, the service works great!
I'm very impressed with it you can record/archive the video to view later, too
Scott: if anyone has questions, have them email me!
So that's good news for us, and he said he's willing to answer any questions we have.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
2:56 PM
Labels: webcasting
METRO programs, etc.
There are 2 upcoming METRO programs that are relevant to our topic--and LACUNY will support 2 of us committee to go to each of these--you'd get reimbursed afterwards (details to follow). I think the first one is particularly useful and would help us shape our program planning. As CUNYs are all metro members, we'd get the members rate:
If you are interested, let us all know and go ahead and register.
Intergenerational Collaboration: Leveraging Knowledge & Experience (May 12)
(this is $100 METRO rate)
Nurturing Leadership within your library (June 2)
($150 METRO rate)
(Thanks Sharon for alerting us to these opportunities)
See also the Final Keynote posting--I'm thinking againthat Hernon is good choice for reasons you'll see...
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
6:15 AM
Labels: metro, progam planning
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
NextGen Bibliography
I've started a working bibliography of readings that might be of interest. Later on, perhaps we can share this on our website. Right now, it contains about 40 references. If anyone has anything to add, feel free.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
12:50 PM
Labels: readings
Monday, May 4, 2009
Final decisions on keynote & breakout sessions
After reading Joe's comment about Horrell's scholarly lit on the topic leadership--and seeing the great bibliography of references that Joe just did-- am back to thinking that Hernon would be best as keynote. However, how about considering Horrell as a panelist (representing an academic library director pt of view?). So am revising my count here. Feel free to revise if you change your vote
Hernon (2)
Horrell (1)
Gordon (1)
Let's decide by May 8 on final choice. If we have clear pick earlier than that, we'll take next step to contact speaker choice asap.
Regarding the breakout themes, unless any of us have any further feedback, can we just go with the bullet points in Joe's final draft of mission. Let's really finalize this by May 8.
Some possible breakout topics:
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
11:00 AM
Friday, May 1, 2009
My bio on Jeff Horrell will include a lot of links for you to check out.
~In 2004 appointed Dean of Libraries and Librarian of the College at Dartmouth. http://www.dartmouth.edu/~news/releases/2004/10/07.html
~A graduate of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, Horrell earned an A.M.L.S. in library science and an A.M. in the history of art from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. He also holds an M.Phil. and a Ph.D. from Syracuse University, where he studied the history of photography.
~Jeff's views on pending librarian shortage due to to boomers: http://pln.palinet.org/wiki/index.php/Impending_librarian_shortage:_Real_or_not%3F
~Harvard's announcement about Jeff's move to Dartmouth: http://hcl.harvard.edu/news/2004/horrell_goes_to_dartmouth_pr.html
~An article he co-authored entitled "Selecting Research Collections for Digitization" while at Harvard. http://www.clir.org/pubs/reports/hazen/pub74.html
~In an online article entitled "Library Leadership Network Peer Panel" (clearly he belongs to this Library Leadership Network," Horrell weighs in on the topic of "Recommended Reading" with the following comments: "Jeff Horrell, in a brief message from Dartmouth, suggests this practical tome:
It is not a new book (2001), but one I recently read is Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey's "How The Way We Talk Can Change The Way We Work, Seven Languages for Transformation". It is in some ways a practical "How to" book and how one uses language of change and the obstacles associated with it. It helps one think about our patterns or approaches and how they impede rather than help the process of moving things forward. Much of it seems like common sense, but only when you think about ways in which you are not using common sense. I admit I did not do all the "exercises" chapter by chapter, but the narrative provides a lot of thoughtful insights. It's worth reading and reflecting upon." http://www.libraryleadership.net/Mar08PP.asp
~Helped coordinate an exhibition and wrote the opening comments for the book that resulted. Wenda Gu at Dartmouth: The Art of Installation \
I could go on, but I think Mr. Horrell would be a wonderful and fascinating keynote speaker. Not only could he speak on leadership, but also a bit about how to explore other (outreach) projects and ingrain the library more in the fabric of the university/college.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
7:44 AM
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Breakout sessions
As we're now moved on to thinking about breakouts this week, consider the points that Joe addressed in Mission statement (Draft B). Can we use those as the major themes for poster sessions/breakouts? In addition, Sharon noted that the table of contents of Peter Hernon's book, Making A Differerence: Leadership and Academic Libraries (Libraries Unlimited, 2007) has great ideas for breakouts which align with our mission
What are your thoughts? Reminder: Our deadline for breakout topics is tomorrow, Friday, May 1.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
12:09 PM
Labels: breakouts
Monday, April 27, 2009
Keynote choice
I think that a good choice for the the keynote is Peter Hernon. He is actively researching demographics and leadership in librarianship as a faculty member of the Simmons library school, and he could give us the the broad view of the situation--addressing points raised in our revised Mission Statement (see Joe's posting 4/24).
What does everyone think about this? Let's make a decision by end of this week, May 1 on this. To post your comment, click comments (this function now enabled)
I like Hernon, and Wilder as a backup. A lot depends on who is available and what they will or won't charge.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
8:38 AM
Labels: keynote
Friday, April 24, 2009
Mission Statement (draft B)
According to some estimates, academic libraries are undergoing a significant demographic shift that is dramatically changing the make-up of the profession. At the heart of this transformation is the uniquely large proportion of veteran librarians nearing retirement age prompting a closer examination of the attitudes and characteristics of the newer generation of librarians poised to assume leadership. In an effort to contribute to the ongoing dialogue regarding the future of academic library leadership, this conference seeks to address the following questions:
- Are academic libraries really experiencing a so-called “graying of the profession”?
- If so, what are we potentially losing in terms of experience, expertise, and institutional memory?
- What are libraries doing to ensure that these qualities will be passed on to the next generation of library leaders?
- What are the characteristics of so-called “next gen librarians” and how will their entry into the profession impact academic libraries?
- How do we address generational differences within the workplace without fostering unnecessary stereotypes or division?
- How are changes within the profession influenced by or reflective of larger social, political, and cultural transformations?
Since we can't comment, I'll edit to add here that I really like this version of the mission statement, Joe. It hits the highlights for sure and gives some good directions for poster sessions/breakout topics, etc. Thanks for posting this.
Excellent reworking of the mission statement Joe! It is nuanced and doesn't cast aspersions on any generation of librarians. I'd say that we go forward with this as our working mission statement
I agree that this reworking is excellent and we should go with it. I like the lack of labels.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
6:35 AM
Labels: mission statement
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Rachel Singer Gordon
Rachel Singer Gordon is the creator of LISjobs.com and consulting editor at Information Today Inc., Books Division. She is the former Head of Computer Services at the Franklin Park Public Library, IL, and currently works as a freelance writer, editor, and presenter. Rachel has written and presented extensively on next generation librarianship and succession planning.
Publications include:
- The NextGen Librarian's Survival Guide. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2006.
- "Next Generation Librarianship." American Libraries (March 2006): 36-8.
- Library Journal's "NextGen" column
Presentations include:
- "The Cross-Generational Workforce," Wisconsin Library Association, Middleton, WI, Wed., Nov. 5, 2008.
- "NextGen Librarianship: Where Do We Go from Here?" Soaring to Excellence Teleconference, College of DuPage, Friday, Feb. 9, 2007.
- "Nextgen Librarians and Succession Planning," Ohio Library Council Annual Conference, Columbus, OH, Thursday, October 6, 2005.
Click here for Rachel's full resume.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
8:37 AM
Labels: bios
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Enabling comments, etc.
Thanks to all for jumping into the blog and making contributions.
Danielle, can the Post Comments be enabled so we can use?
Also, all please note the deadlines for assignments in the notes from our meeting.
Lastly, can we agree to use the reading tag for all articles we find (like Joe has done)
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
11:14 AM
Poster session?
An article on International Librarianship and Leadership. This would make a terrific poster session.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
10:08 AM
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Additional Readings II
Buschman, John. "Talkin' 'bout My (Neoliberal) Generation: Three Theses." Progressive Librarian (Summer 2007): 28-40.
Buschman argues that generationial categorization of librarians and library users is part and parcel of a broader neoliberal ideology that has reshaped the public sphere according to market values. Not sure how convincing he is but he does present an alternative perspective.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
1:45 PM
Labels: readings
Stanley Wilder
Stanley Wilder: Stanley Wilder, associate dean, River Campus Libraries at the University of Rochester, N.Y. At the University of Rochester, Wilder also served as assistant dean, Information Management Services from 1999-02. He holds an MBA from the University of Illinois at Chicago where his emphasis was on MIS and human resources. He earned his master’s in library information sciences from Columbia University. Has published ARL study on age demographics of library workforce: http://www.educause.edu/Resources/TheARLYouthMovementReshapingth/162455 and recent commentator on same subject in Chron of Higher Ed: http://chronicle.com/jobs/news/2007/02/2007022001c.htm I found his full resume also, which shows that he's been interested in the topic of staff change/demographics for a while and has presented at conferences on this. It also shows that he takes contrarian positions, and he might be a lively presenter from that perspective.http://www.provost.uncc.edu/Searches/Library/WILDER,%20Stanley%20-%20finalist.pdf
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
11:36 AM
Loriene Roy
Link to her ALA presidential page bio...
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
11:10 AM
Peter Hernon
Hernon's bio is on the Simmons website: http://www.simmons.edu/gslis/about/faculty/hernon.shtml
posted by Sharon
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
10:57 AM
Menu selections
Here is a link to the catering menu.
I recommend Healthy Breakfast 10.50 pp which I used for the LACUNY Dialogues.
Low Fat Muffins, Sliced Fresh Fruit, Low Fat Granola, Low Fat Natural Yogurt, Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice, Coffee & Tea
I ordered for 60, but it was enough to feed 100, so keep that in mind.
Lunch is up for discussion.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
10:02 AM
Please sign all of your blog posts when you post, just so we can know who is writing what.
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
9:47 AM
Read This Article!
Title: Creating the next generation of library leaders
Author(s): Jennifer Arnold, Lisa T. Nickel, Lisa Williams
Journal: New Library World
Year: 2008
Volume: 109
Issue: 9/10
Page: 444 - 456
ISSN: 0307-4803
DOI: 10.1108/03074800810910478
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
9:12 AM
Monday, April 20, 2009
Additional Readings
Here's the article that Jane just recommended on library leadership institute effectiveness:
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
2:19 PM
Labels: readings
Friday, April 17, 2009
Mission Statement (draft)
One of the challenges facing academic libraries now is the retirement of boomer-age librarians in leadership positions. This issue raises various concerns: what exactly is the scope of such retirements--is it a real problem? what are the characteristics of the new generations--Gen X, and others-- of librarians who are moving into leadership positions? how diverse are the incoming leaders. Do the generational lablels ("GenX", "GenY") adequately characterize the incoming academic library leaders? how must the culture of academic libraries change to accomodate the new leaders?
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
11:32 AM
First Meeting Notes 4/16/2009
Good morning! Now that I've (seemingly) fixed the template, I thought I'd post my notes from our meeting yesterday. (I will be oh-so-brief.)
- Misson Statement: We will have a draft of our mission statement on Friday, April 24th (that's week folks). A draft will be posted here, on this mighty blog, and all are asked to comment here as well.
- Keynote Speakers: Each cmte member was asked to research a possible Keynote speaker (choices were: Peter Hernon--Jane, Stanley Wilder--Brian, Jeff Hornell--Danielle, Loriene Roy--Sara, Rachel Gordon--Joseph). When finished, they are to post the bio here as well. Deadline May 1.
- Breakouts and Themes: Deadline for the themes for breakouts is May 1st. Brian to ask Lisa Finder if posters could be published in ULJ
- Online Participation: Sara and Joe to investigate podcasting and/or videocasting the event.
- Facilities & Food: Jane will post the food menu here next week.
- Vendor Support: Jane to email Brian a letter and make up a list of possible choices (Ebsco, Springer, ExLibris, etc).
- Web Site: I will have this completed by August 1st.
- Registration and Fees: $30.00 (roughly).
(Tentative) Schedule of Event:
Date: Friday, October 23, 2009
9:15-10:00am: Coffee, socializing
10:00-11:00am: Keynote
11:00-12:00pm: Panel
12:00-1:15pm: Lunch
1:15-3:00pm: Poster Sessions/Breakouts
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
7:58 AM