Here is an edited version of the letter to vendors. We need to decide if the amount of money we are requesting is enough, too much, not enough. I took out the ranges, because they made no sense. Also, can anyone think of more or better incentives?
Here is the edited document
Working together to raise the quality of services and information offerings at the libraries of the City University of New York (CUNY), our members appreciate learning about products and services that would benefit academic libraries and the users we serve. What better way to present your offerings at a professional organization conference than at the our annual conference series known as the annual LACUNY Institute held in New York City?
We would like to invite you to be a sponsor for our 2009 annual conference Library Leadership the Next Generation will be held on Friday, October 23, 2009 at the CUNY Graduate Center.
Because of the timeliness of the topic, and the midtown Manhattan location, we expect high interest and attendance. In recent years, the LACUNY Institute has featured topics of interest not only to CUNY librarians and information professionals, but also academic librarians and information professionals from the tri-state area and other northeastern states.
Your sponsorship would be a unique opportunity to develop a relationship with CUNY libraries, as well as appeal to other new clients that would certainly benefit from your products and services.
In order to have the most wide-ranging impact to potential customers, we are seeking sponsorship on the following levels:
Silver Sponsor: $500
• Strategic placement of product information near registration table
• Sponsor recognition at the LACUNY Conference Web page
Gold Sponsor: $1000
• Sponsor recognition at the LACUNY Conference Web page and links to your web site.
• A table at the conference to demonstrate products and services
• Introduction and Attendance at the luncheon
Platinum Sponsor: $1500
• Sponsor recognition at the LACUNY Conference Web page and links to your web site
• A table at the conference to demonstrate products and services
• Introduction and attendance at the luncheon for as many as three representatives
• Conference Mailing List of Attendees
• ???????
Since 1956, the LACUNY Institute has a proven track record as a professional development seminar. Drawing librarians from all over the tri-state area and northeast states, it has been praised by participants for covering timely topics in library and information science and affording excellent networking possibilities.
I welcome a chance to speak with you to discuss these sponsorship opportunities. Please feel free to contact me directly at
Thank you,
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Vendor letter
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
6:56 AM
Friday, June 26, 2009
If anyone is going to ALA, or knows someone who is, please check out this poster session. May get some participants or ideas.">
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
7:01 AM
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Upcoming Book on Gen X Librarians
Gen-X Perspectives on Librarianship (working title)
A call for submissions just went out for an upcoming book on Gen-X librarians. The stated objective of the book is: "to view, critique and analyze what makes Gen-X librarians unique among other generations of librarians, what is unique or different about the professional situation of Gen-X librarians, what have Gen-X librarians contributed to the field, and what have they changed about the profession."
Sound familiar?
I know we decided to recruit panelists locally but is there any interest in possibly approaching the editors of this volume to see if they might be interested in some form of participation? It would likely cost us (especially since they're not local) but the similarities between their project and ours just seemed to great to ignore.
~ Joe
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
12:29 PM
Friday, June 19, 2009
List servs for publicity
Please add list servs you'll send publicity to, plus your name:
ACRLNY (Brian)
ACRL NJ (Brian)
Simmons (Jane)
Here are some other lists that might be useful. Some require membership in order to post, so if anyone is a member ...
SUNYLA-L: (Jane)
METRO-L: subscriber access only (Brian)
Rutgers SCILS: (Joe)
Pratt SILS: (Joe)
Queens College GSLIS: (Joe)
Palmer School: (Joe)
NexGen Librarians: (Joe)
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
10:43 AM
Labels: publicity
Assignments list
Thanks all for attending today!
Here's the to do list w/deadlines, etc. Pls. edit this post if additions, corrections need
- List servs for publicizing call for panel, etc. to be added to blog (see above)--add initials to ones you've contacted (ALL)
- Call for panel to be revised--open to all CUNY and non-CUNY, add Marie Radford as moderator (not keynoter) (Joe). Send out call to list servs asap (ALL)
- Questions for panel to be generated from panelist submissions (after July 15). All to view panel submissions via Google document (Joe to send document to All)
- Hotel for keynote presenter: Hilton Garden Inn, Hotel 31 (Jane to ck)
- Payment for hotel (Brian to ck on this with LACUNY treasurer)
- Post institute get together near GC--invite panelists, speakers, Shanghai librarian(s) (Jane to ask Curtis Kendrick if CUNY Central can pay for this)
- Vendor letter--3-4 levels: $500, 1000, 1500, 2000 (highest one for logo on webcast) (Jane and Sharon to work on this by end of July)
- Equipment for USTREAM, $1400 (Joe has spec list; Jane to ask LACUNY board for funding)
- USTREAM moderator will be Sarah. Need release from Stanley Wilder and other presenters for webcast (Brian to ask Stanley Wilder and Marie Radford; Jane to check with GC on release form)
- Registration: Use for Paypal contact. Reg. fees: $35 for LACUNY members; $40 for non-LACUNY; $40 for onsite registration. Reg to open on Sept.1 closes Oct.9. Need registration intake info form (surveymonkey link that'll open up after completing Paypal)--need to check with Steve Ovadia about this. Also to include check box for vegetarian lunch preference: "Check here for vegetarian option" (Songqian, deadline end of July)
- Food selection will be done at least 2 days before conference. Choice: $14.50 sandwhich variety option plus Healthy breakfast option with fruit for morning (Jane to contact Food services when finalized)
- Room set up: 16 tables (8 people per). Maximum attendance: 128--plan for 100 attendees (Jane to contact GC
- Keynote, moderator bio (brief, 150 word) and picture needed (Brian to get)
- Email final content (Word docs) for website to Danielle by Aug.13 (ALL).
- We'll use the Blog for main communications. (ALL).
- Use email for reminders to ck blog for updates (or set up RSS feeds) (ALL)
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
10:18 AM
Labels: progam planning
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Meeting final agenda, June 19, 10-noon. Grad Center
1. Panel program: criteria for selecting applications; panel questions; selection subcommittee? (30minutes)
4. Webcasting: USTREAM details--equipment, moderator needed (20 minutes)
6. Website (30 minutes)
NOTE: Room change! We'll meet in Room 196.05 on the concourse level of the library:
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
12:46 PM
Labels: panelists, ustream, vendors, webcasting, website
Monday, June 15, 2009
Keynote format/panelist final decisions, meeting this Friday at GC 10-12am
Based on all feedback, here's final draft for panel--let's discuss these points at our F2F meeting this Friday, June 19, at Graduate Center, 10-noon. Meeting place: 18th century room in the Grad Center library. Thanks to all who confirmed interest in attending this!
Panel topic: a general discussion about what is unique or significant about so-called "next generation" librarians and where do people see them leading academic libraries in the 21st century.
Moderator: possibly Marie Radford (Brian to contact her if she's interested, etc.). She recently presented at METRO on intergenerational librarian collaboration. Brian to contact her week of June 15.
Paneslists: 3-4 from CUNY libraries, to be solicited via CULIBS--selection to be based on submission of brief statement (we need to craft this, etc.) (Joe, can you draft application instructions and selection criteria?) do we want 2 "boomers" and 2 genexers representing different viewpoints on the "generational" issue??
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
3:37 PM
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Update: keynote, call for posters, save the date, panel, USTREA, vendors
1) Keynote: We're pleased to announce that Stanley Wilder is our keynote, and he's very enthused by our topic and has lots to offer on the subject. It wasn't possible to have the other candidate speak. More to follow.
2) Panel: Please see discussion below about panel. I like Joe's suggestion that it not be a reaction to the speaker, but address this issue: "a general discussion about what is unique or significant about so-called "next generation" librarians and where do people see them leading academic libraries in the 21st century". Need your " feedback on panelists....if this is our topic, then Marie Radford/Rutgers, Valeda Dent/AUL Rutgers could be excellent. Other names?
All: Let's decide on possible speaker choices by next Monday, June 15. post your comments in discussion item below.
Option: We can have F2F meeting on June 19, 10-noon at Grad Center to go over the panel. Anyone want to do this or can we just meet via this blog??
3) Announcement: Here's text that we can send out for Save the date announcements. I'll send this to ACRLNY and LACUNY by Friday, June 12 if there are no further comments. All: please review by Thurs. June 11 and think of other list servs to post this to after final o.k.
LACUNY Institute 2009 “Library Leadership: The Next Generation.”
When and Where? October 23, 2009 at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City.
According to recent estimates, academic libraries are undergoing a significant demographic shift that is dramatically changing the make-up of the profession. At the heart of this transformation is the uniquely large proportion of veteran librarians nearing retirement age and the potential impact of the perceived “graying of the profession.” In addition to raising concern about a possible “brain drain,” this development has also prompted a closer examination of the attitudes and characteristics of the newer generation of librarians poised to assume leadership. This conference will be addressing these issues.
Our web content files can be sent to Steve Ovadia/Junior Tidal for posting.
(Danielle, could you do this when we have content--see below).
5) Conference website:
For the site, we'll need to have the call for posters there, plus preliminary program. (Joe, can you work on this with Danielle)?
Posted by
LACUNY Institute 2009
7:04 AM
Labels: keynote, panelists, poster, publicity, ustream, webcasting, wilder