Tuesday, May 5, 2009

NextGen Bibliography

I've started a working bibliography of readings that might be of interest. Later on, perhaps we can share this on our website. Right now, it contains about 40 references. If anyone has anything to add, feel free.




Brian Lym said...

terrific list!! seeing who's publishing on the topic from academic perspective, am thinking again that hernon would be best for our keynote.

Jane said...

Let's contact Hernon and see is he's available, and at what cost. I', a Simmons Alum (as is Curtis) if you think that will help.

LACUNY Institute 2009 said...

will do--I'll email him about this.

Jane Fitzpatrick said...

Another suggested article:
Creating the next generation of library leaders

Author(s): Jennifer Arnold, Lisa T. Nickel, Lisa Williams

Journal: New Library World

Year: 2008
Volume: 109
Issue: 9/10
Page: 444 - 456

ISSN: 0307-4803

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